
Sciencefundraising-Webinar: „Tous Nobel – Die Capital Campaign der Uni- & Unispitalstiftung Straßburg”

  • Datum: 10.06.2024
  • Uhrzeit: 14.00 Uhr - 15.00 Uhr
  • Preis: Kostenlos
  • Ort: Online via Zoom*

The University and University Hospital Foundation Strasbourg has been consolidating fundraising efforts within a joint foundation since 2009. The funds raised are used to support students, improve care at university hospitals, encourage research, and protect the local heritage. At the same time, bridges are to be built between the founding institutions and society, thereby bringing research topics more into the public eye. With the second capital campaign “Tous Nobels” the excellence of the research of the two founding institutions was highlighted and a message delivered : we can all be a Nobel in our initiatives. The declared goal of 50 million euros was significantly exceeded; a total of 56 million euros was raised and allocated to the foundation’s purposes.

Thomas Heckel, the foundation’s director, will provide you with insights into the foundation’s work, the concept of the capital campaign, and explain what ultimately made this campaign so successful in this webinar.

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Thomas Heckel Speaker Webinar FVA

Thomas Heckel

After initial professional experiences in investment funds and retail, Thomas joined the Fondation Université et Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg in 2012, where he has been director since 2023. 2 major fund-raising campaigns and training in philanthropy at the Lilly School of Philanthropy have given Thomas a solid grounding in the sector.

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Stephan Kropf

Bereichsleitung Projekte & Mitglieder | Qualitätsinitiative Fördererwerbung & Sciencefundraising

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